Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Star of Wonder

O Star of wonder, star of night

Star with royal beauty bright

Westward leading, still proceeding

Guide us to thy Perfect Light

I came across this antique silk quilt a few years ago.  It is entirely hand stitched with tiny black stitches.  I have not seen this pattern (on the order of the pineapple pattern) but each block looks like a star of Davit so I cut it apart and made them into Christmas ornaments.   They measure about 12 inches across.  I hand stitched antique tinsel garland around the edge.
Because the silk is so fragile I had to make a
large opening in the back to turn it.  This I closed
with vintage mother of pearl buttons.  Then I
stiffened the back to keep the shape .


  1. Anita what a great idea - they are beautiful!!

  2. Once again your creative juices overflow and create something so beautiful!


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